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Hochwirksame kosmetische Behandlungen

Highly effective treatments for your success


The demands for effectiveness and sustainability of cosmetic procedures are constantly increasing. As in all areas of life, it’s about getting the highest possible level of efficiency. Because top performances and time pressure require a correspondingly effective balance of relaxation, beauty care and wellness.

Use the right technology to offer your customers immediately visible results and increase the long-term effects of applications and treatments. Whether you remove the outermost epidermal layer’s dead skill cells with fine, highly purified crystals (microdermabrasion) or by punching ultra-fine.
MESO points micro-openings into the skin to pump in active substances – you will go above and beyond conventional care and increase the success of the overall treatment concept.

Penetrating muscle stimulation also sustainably promotes skin regeneration. Diffusion processes in the cells are intensified, lipometabolism is activated and the muscles are stabilised and tightened. Ultrasound can also be used in many scenarios. Its effects range from local heating treatment through to enhancing cell processes. Through appropriate treatment offers, you will thus strengthen your profile and your success.