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The IONTO-MESO method
Fresh, smooth and optimally supplied skin makes any face look younger. The skin receive all the necessary nutrients and anti-aging helpers through the MESO method. The skin can absorb the active ingredients directly and effects are immediately visible.
At the same time the skin is regenerated by the penetration of the epidermis from within itself.

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Optimal results in cosmetics
Ultrasound has in cosmetics a wide spectrum of action: It can be used depending on the frequency, intensity, continuous or pulsed sound as micromassage which exfoliate the skin gently, influence the diffusion of substances through cell membranes, serving the local heating or used to increase cell processes. For ultrasound applications, however, not only the effects of the sonic itself, but also, the introduced active ingredients come to fruition.

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For skin like velvet and silk
While using microdermabrasion method of IONTO COMED, fine, high-purity crystals remove parts of the stratum corneum (top layer of epidermis contains dead skin cells) effectively and controlled.